VSCode Keychain Issues


更新完VSCode,突然提示出错。询问请打开疑难解答指南以解决此问题,也可以使用不用 OS keyring 的较弱加密。

"vs/workbench/services/secrets/electron-sandbox/secretStorageService": {
"encryptionNotAvailableJustTroubleshootingGuide": "无法识别用于在当前桌面环境中存储加密相关数据的 OS keyring。",
"isGnome": "你正在 GNOME 环境中运行,但 OS keyring 不可用用于加密。请确保已安装并运行 gnome-keyring 或其他 libsecret 兼容实现。",
"isKwallet": "你正在 KDE 环境中运行,但 OS keyring 不可用于加密。请确保 kwallet 正在运行。",
"troubleshootingButton": "打开疑难解答指南",
"usePlainText": "使用较弱的加密",
"usePlainTextExtraSentence": "请打开疑难解答指南以解决此问题,也可以使用不用 OS keyring 的较弱加密。"



code --verbose --vmodule="*/components/os_crypt/*=1" | less


[23476:0714/131505.501724:VERBOSE1:key_storage_util_linux.cc(54)] Password storage detected desktop environment: (unknown)


"password-store": "gnome-libsecret",

更新(2024-02-07):对于我而言,此前设置 --password-store=gnome 是有效的,但是 VSCode 更新后,我修改了新设置 --password-store=gnome-libsecret 才修复重新出现的问题。

  1. (2023) Settings SYnc in Visual Studio Code§Troubleshooting keychain issues

    Troubleshooting keychain issues

    NOTE: This section applies to VS Code version 1.80 and higher. In 1.80, we moved away from keytar, due to its archival, in favor of Electron’s safeStorage API.

    NOTE: keychain, keyring, wallet, credential store are synonymous in this document.

    Settings Sync persists authentication information on desktop using the OS keychain for encryption. Using the keychain can fail in some cases if the keychain is misconfigured or the environment isn’t recognized.

    To help diagnose the problem, you can restart VS Code with the following flags to generate a verbose log:

    code --verbose --vmodule="*/components/os_crypt/*=1"

    Windows & macOS

    At this time, there are no known configuration issues on Windows or macOS but, if you suspect something is wrong, you can open an issue on VS Code with the verbose logs from above. This is important for us to support additional desktop configurations.


    Towards the top of the logs from the previous command, you will see something to the effect of:

    [9699:0626/093542.027629:VERBOSE1:key_storage_util_linux.cc(54)] Password storage detected desktop environment: GNOME
    [9699:0626/093542.027660:VERBOSE1:key_storage_linux.cc(122)] Selected backend for OSCrypt: GNOME_ANY

    We rely on Chromium’s oscrypt module to discover and store encryption key information in the keyring. Chromium supports a number of different desktop environments. Outlined below are some popular desktop environments and troubleshooting steps that may help if the keyring is misconfigured.

    GNOME or UNITY (or similar)

    If the error you’re seeing is “Cannot create an item in a locked collection”, chances are your keyring’s Login keyring is locked. You should launch your OS’s keyring (Seahorse is the commonly used GUI for seeing keyrings) and ensure the default keyring (usually referred to as Login keyring) is unlocked. This keyring needs to be unlocked when you log into your system.


    KDE 6 is not yet fully supported by Visual Studio Code. As a workaround: The latest kwallet6 is also accessible as kwallet5, so you can force it to use kwallet5 by setting the password store to kwallet5 as explained below in Configure the keyring to use with VS Code.

    It’s possible that your wallet (aka keyring) is closed. If you open KWalletManager, you can see if the default kdewallet is closed and if it is, make sure you open it.

    Other Linux desktop environments

    First off, if your desktop environment wasn’t detected, you can open an issue on VS Code with the verbose logs from above. This is important for us to support additional desktop configurations.

    You can manually tell VS Code which keyring to use by passing the password-store flag. Our recommended configuration is to first install gnome-keyring if you don’t have it already and then launch VS Code with code --password-store="gnome".

    If this solution works for you, you can persist the value of password-store by opening the Command Palette (kb(workbench.action.showCommands)) and running the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command. This will open the argv.json file where you can add the setting "password-store":"gnome".

    NOTE: If you would rather not use gnome-keyring, you can try using a package that implements the Secret Service API. If you do this, the password-store flag can still be set to gnome and Electron will detect other implementations of the Secret Service API. Additionally, you could try installing kwallet5 on your system. If you do, you will want to set the password-store flag to kwallet5 to detect the installed kwallet5. All possible values for password-store can be found in Chromium’s source.

    Don’t hesitate to open an issue on VS Code with the verbose logs if you run into any issues.

    We rely on Chromium’s oscrypt module to discover and store encryption key information in the keyring. Chromium offers an opt-in fallback encryption strategy that uses an in-memory key based on a string that is hardcoded in the Chromium source. Because of this, this fallback strategy is, at best, obfuscation, and should only be used if you are accepting of the risk that any process on the system could, in theory, decrypt your stored secrets.

    If you accept this risk, you can set password-store to basic by opening the Command Palette (kb(workbench.action.showCommands)) and running the Preferences: Configure Runtime Arguments command. This will open the argv.json file where you can add the setting "password-store":"basic". ↩︎